FBHFyf IESetup Welcome to IESetup. D Throughout IESetup you can press F1 to get context sensitive help. ' Press ESC to remove this help screen. (System) Close (Alt-F4) The Close command terminates this program. See also Exit. File viewer A file viewer views the contents of a text file. You can use the arrow keys to move about in the file. A file is loaded via the File Open menu item. a Up Move up one line Down Move down one line Right Move right one column Left Move left one column PgUp Move one page up PgDn Move one page down Home View right most column of the file End View left most column of the file Ctrl-PgUp View top of file Ctrl-PgDn View bottom of file. File viewers can be resized and moved using the Window menu. ASCII Table The ASCII table displays the entire IBM PC character set. The current character is marked by a blinking block cursor, and the hexadecimal and decimal ASCII values of the character are displayed below the chart. A new character is selected by pressing it on the keyboard, by clicking the mouse on it in the chart, or by moving the cursor using the cursor keys. (System) menu (Alt-Spacebar) The System menu appears on the far left of the menu bar and is represented by the symbol. ( When you pull down the menu, you see DOS Shell Close Help About When you choose the About command from the Help menu, a dialog box appears, showing copyright and version information. G To close the box, press Esc, Space, or Enter, or click the OK button. File (Alt-F) This menu gives you access to file oriented operations: opening and saving ASCII files, changing default directory for ASCII files, etc, and for exiting the program. Open Change Dir Exit File Open (F3) The Open command displays the Open a File dialog box. In this dialog box you select the text file you want browse in a file viewer. & The Open File dialog box contains: an input box with a history list a list box to browse the directory the standard Cancel button Open action button an information panel that describes the selected file File The New command creates a new editor window. The window's name is "Untitled", and is empty. File Save The Save command allows you to save the current editor window to a disk file. If the window already has a name, the file will be saved under this same name. If you wish to save the file under a new name, select the File|Save As command instead. File Save As The Save As command allows you to save the current editor window to a new file name. Note that if an editor window does not have a name (it is called "Untitled") selecting File|Save will execute the Save As dialog box. File Save all The Save all command saves all editor windows to disk. File Change Dir... Change Dir brings up the Change Directory dialog box, in which you can change the current directory. (System) DOS Shell With the DOS Shell command, you can leave the program temporarily to perform a DOS command or run another program. 9 To return to this program, type EXIT at the DOS prompt. File Exit (Alt-X) The Exit command terminates this program. See also System Close. Edit (Alt-E) The Edit menu includes choices for UNDO in the editor and managing the clipboard. Edit Undo The Undo command allows you to "take back" the last editor action you performed. For example, if the line: This is an editor test is changed to: This was an editor test the Undo command will become active. Executing the Undo command will cause the line to revert back to its original version. Note that changes which can be undone are grouped into similar actions, such as typing, or deleting characters. Any action type you perform that is different than the last action type will cause the Undo information to be lost. Edit The Cut command removes the selected text and places it on the Clipboard. Any information previously on the clipboard is lost. Text cut from the editor may be immediately replaced by selecting the Undo command before moving the cursor. Edit Copy The Copy command places a copy of the selected text on the Clipboard. The selected information is left unchanged, but any information previously on the clipboard is lost. Edit Paste The Paste command inserts a the contents of the clipboard into the current editor window at the cursor position. The contents of the clipboard remain unchanged. If any text is selected in the current editor window, the highlighted text is replaced by the text coming from the clipboard. Information pasted into an editor may be removed immediately by using the Undo command before moving the cursor. Edit Show Clipboard The Show Clipboard command will display the Clipboard contents is an ordinary editor window. Note that Cut and Paste commands are not enabled while the clipboard is the focused window. Edit Clear The Clear command removes any selected text from the current editor without placing a copy of the text on the clipboard. The effects of this command may be reversed by selecting Undo before moving the cursor. Search (Alt-S) The Search menu provides text search and replace in the topmost edit window. Edit Find The Find command performs a text search in the editor. Edit Replace The Replace command performs a text search and replace in the editor. Edit Search again The Search again repeats the last Find or Replace. Window (Alt-W) The Window menu contains commands to close, move and perform other window-management commands. Most of the windows in this program have all the standard window elements, including scroll bars, a close box, and zoom icons. > For more about windows and their elements, refer to windows. : Window-management commands Size/Move Zoom Tile Cascade Next Previous Close Window Size/Move (Ctrl-F5) Choose this command to change the size or position of the active window. Size If you press Shift while you use the arrow keys, you can change the size of the active window. Once you've adjusted its size or position, press Enter. Q If a window has a Resize corner, you can drag that corner to resize the window. Move When you choose Window Size/Move, the active window moves in response to the arrow keys. Once you've moved the window to where you want it, press Enter. F You can also move a window by dragging its title bar with the mouse. Window Zoom (F5) Choose Zoom to resize the active window to the maximum size. If the window is already zoomed, you can choose this command to restore it to its previous size. { You can also double-click anywhere on the window's title bar (except where an icon appears) to zoom or unzoom the window. Window Tile Choose Window Tile to tile all file viewers on the desktop. L Tiled Windows Window Cascade Choose Window Cascade to stack all file viewers on the desktop. A Cascaded Windows Window Next Choose Next to cycle forwards through the windows on the desktop. Window Close (Alt-F3) Choose Close to close the active window. N You can also click the Close box in the upper left corner to close a window. File Close (Alt-F3) Choose Close to close the active editor window and discard changes to the displayed ASCII file. N You can also click the Close box in the upper left corner to close a window. Options Colors... The Colors menu item brings up the Colors dialog box, where you can customize the colors of the display. Options Save Desktop Saves the state of all open windows to a file call IESETUP.DSK. This file can be reloaded by selecting Options Retrieve Desktop. Options Retrieve Desktop Restore a previously-saved state of all open windows from a file call IESETUP.DSK. This file is saved via the Options Desktop menu command. Help on Open a File Dialog Box The Open a File dialog box contains an input box, a file list, a file information panel, the standard button Cancel, one other action button (Open), plus a history list that's attached to the Name inputbox. Name The Name input box is where you enter the name of the file to load, or the file-name mask to use as a filter for the Files list box (for example, *.*). See also Open Dialog. Files FILENM01.PAS FILENM09.PAS FILENM02.PAS FILENM10.PAS FILENM03.PAS FILENM11.PAS FILENM04.PAS FILENM12.PAS FILENM05.PAS .. FILENM06.PAS \MOREXAMP FILENM07.PAS \TOURS FILENM08.PAS \ANSWERS.DIR The Files list box lists the names of files in the current directory that match the file-name mask in the Name input box, plus the parent directory and all subdirectories. C:\TP\EXAMPLES\*.PAS HELLO.PAS 52 Jul 14,1990 12:00pm The File information panel shows the path name, file name, date, time, and size of the selected file. = None of the items on this information panel are selectable. See also Open Dialog. [ Open ] The Open button opens a new Viewer window and places the selected file in that window. See also Open Dialog. [ Cancel ] If you choose Cancel, nothing changes and no action occurs, and the dialog box is put away. M (Esc always cancels a dialog box, even if a Cancel button does not appear.) See also Open Dialog. [ Open ] In the Open a File dialog box, if you choose the Open button IESetup opens a new file viewer and places the selected file in that window. Help on the Change Directory dialog box The Change Directory dialog box consists of an input box, a list box, the standard OK and Help buttons, and two other buttons (Chdir and Revert). | Directory Name The Directory Name input box is where you type in the path of the new directory. Directory Tree Drives C:\ TP TVISION The Directory Tree list box enables you to navigate directories by using the selecting bar and pressing Enter. If you're using the keyboard, press Enter to make the selected directory be the current directory, then choose OK or press Esc to exit the dialog box. + [Chdir ] The Chdir button changes the current directory once you've selected or typed in a directory name. + [Revert] The Revert button goes back to the previous directory, as long as you haven't yet exited the dialog box. Help on the Colors dialog box The Colors dialog box consists of two list boxes, a text display area, the standard OK, Cancel, and Help buttons, and one of the following: On color and black-and-white systems, it also contains two color palettes. On monochrome systems, it contains a set of radio buttons instead of the palettes. This dialog box is where you can change the colors of different parts of this program. Group Desktop Menus Dialogs Editor Help The Group list box contains the names of the different regions of the program that you can customize. L Item Color When you select a group from the Group list, the Item list box displays the names of the different views in that region. Foreground Background On color and black-and-white systems, you use the Foreground and Background palettes to modify colors. Colors ) Mono low ( ) Mono high ( ) Mono underscore ( ) Mono inverse On monochrome systems, you use the Colors set of radio buttons systems to modify the character attributes. Q Text Text Text Text Text Text On all systems, the display text (above the Help button) shows the current color or attribute settings. a Changes do not take effect on the desktop until you close the Colors dialog box by choosing OK. Window Close All Choose Close all to remove all windows from the desktop. Window Previous Choose Previous to cycle backwards through the windows on the desktop. Global Global options for all applications in the InterMail family. These are settings that apply to two or more applications. See also Applications Applications Menus for all application specific settings. These are settings that only apply to one piece of software in the InterMail family of applications. See also Global Applications IESetup This meny gives you access to configuration options that are specific to IESetup. Edit This menu gives you access to functions for editing pure text files, also known as ASCII files. The ASCII editor is included as a convenience to you and because some of the programs in the InterMail family use ASCII files for various purposes, for example the banner files that InterMail displays to BBS callers. Help Help on Help IESetup has context sensitive help throughout. p At the bottom of the screen, you will notice hints that change as you move from place to place in the program. To find out even more about what a particular button does or the meaning of a specific input field or check box, just select it using Tab and then press F1 to get a full description, with cross references to other related subjects. Help This menu contains menu items for Help on using the context sensitive help and for obtaining information about IESetup, with address and phone numbers. Editor The editor that is included in Setup is actually a quite advanced ASCII editor. $ It uses the standard CUA commands. Local Users You may enter up to ten persons as local users. A local user in this context, is a person like you that has access to your keyboard. It may be your spouse, employee or similar. A local user is not a caller to your BBS, even if the caller connects through a LAN. To avoid confusion, we simply call them "BBS callers". InterEcho does not use the security levels (they are reserved for InterEdit), but if you define passwords, IESetup will ask you for a password when started. Global Paths and files These directories and files are shared among two or more programs in the InterMail family. System Msg paths No help There is currently no help available for this topic. No help There is currently no help available for this topic. No help There is currently no help available for this topic. No help There is currently no help available for this topic. Global General Some general settings shared by all applications. O This is also where you find the Origin lines used by InterEdit and InterEcho. Global Paths and files Msg base paths Location of message base files for Hudson, Wildcat!, etc.' See also Hudson % Wildcat Synchronet Paths files No help There is currently no help available for this topic. No help There is currently no help available for this topic. No help There is currently no help available for this topic. No help There is currently no help available for this topic. No help There is currently no help available for this topic. No help There is currently no help available for this topic. No help There is currently no help available for this topic. No help There is currently no help available for this topic. No help There is currently no help available for this topic. No help There is currently no help available for this topic. No help There is currently no help available for this topic. No help There is currently no help available for this topic. No help There is currently no help available for this topic. No help There is currently no help available for this topic. No help There is currently no help available for this topic. No help There is currently no help available for this topic. No help There is currently no help available for this topic. No help There is currently no help available for this topic. No help There is currently no help available for this topic. No help There is currently no help available for this topic. No help There is currently no help available for this topic. No help There is currently no help available for this topic. No help There is currently no help available for this topic. No help There is currently no help available for this topic. No help There is currently no help available for this topic. No help There is currently no help available for this topic. No help There is currently no help available for this topic. No help There is currently no help available for this topic. No help There is currently no help available for this topic. No help There is currently no help available for this topic. No help There is currently no help available for this topic. No help There is currently no help available for this topic. No help There is currently no help available for this topic. No help There is currently no help available for this topic. No help There is currently no help available for this topic. No help There is currently no help available for this topic. No help There is currently no help available for this topic. No help There is currently no help available for this topic. No help There is currently no help available for this topic. No help There is currently no help available for this topic. No help There is currently no help available for this topic. No help There is currently no help available for this topic. Global General Origin lines An origin line is a type of signature at the bottom of an echomail message, usually giving the system name and location. Both InterEcho and InterEdit may use them. You should not enter your node address here, because the AKA you have defined in your Message Folders will automatically be added at the end of the line, by either InterEcho or InterEdit. You may enter up to 20 origin lines, and later pick one of them in the Message Folder manager. Feel free to be creative. Origin lines that are too long will be truncated to the correct length, with a warning message in the log. No help There is currently no help available for this topic. No help There is currently no help available for this topic. No help There is currently no help available for this topic. No help There is currently no help available for this topic. Applications IESetup Preferences Display and memory preferences for IESetup. Applications IESetup Options Behavior options for IESetup. No help There is currently no help available for this topic. Applications InterEcho Configuration options for InterEcho: h Preferences Options Log Paths Echo lists Areafix synonyms Area Group names Applications InterEcho Preferences Display and memory preferences for InterEcho. Under the menu item Preferences you will always find options that affect the operation of each application as regards Color, Display and Memory requirements. Applications/InterEcho. Applications Preferences Display Display options: @ Mode found startup 43/50 25 Applications InterEcho Options This dialog lets you specify InterEcho behavior and security options: h Netmail local Netmail listed Use AREAS.BBS Secure Keep Applications/InterEcho. No help There is currently no help available for this topic. No help There is currently no help available for this topic. No help There is currently no help available for this topic. Cancel Cancel always means "abandon all changes and exit". It can provide you with an easy way out when you change your mind and wish to restore the original settings. * You can cancel a dialog in several ways: F * Use Tab or Shift-Tab to move to the Cancel button and press Enter. T * Place the mouse cursor on the Cancel button and click twice on the mouse button. * Press Esc. * Press Alt-X. OK always means "save the changes and exit" from the current dialog. If you're working in a sub-dialog, for example to edit an item in a list, you may still have the option of undoing your changes by selecting Cancel to exit from the list. " You can choose OK in three ways: B * Use Tab or Shift-Tab to move to the OK button and press Enter. * Press Alt+K. P * Place the mouse cursor on the OK button and click twice on the mouse button. Global Address When you join networks, you will receive node numbers to identify who you are. 1 The node number may consist of four parts, the zone, the net, the node and the point number. They are separated with a colon, a forward slash and a period. You may use the point number only when the address is a point node. If the address is a regular node, you only need to enter the first three parts. b This list of addresses is used in other sections of IESetup. See also Origin lines, Link address Global Paths and files System The install program creates all needed subdirectories and files. You may change all directory names, but we strongly recommend against it. Technical support and future upgrades will be easier if you follow our recommendations. If you need to place some of the files on separate hard drives, then please use the same directory names. See also Config dir a Rcvd Files Secure Files Nodelist Swapping Semaphore Paths files Global Paths System Config file dir This directory contains configuration files. We recommend: c:\im\system\ See also Global paths files Global Paths System Rcvd Files (no pwd) Files received by InterMail from nodes with whom you have NO session password will be stored here. We recommend: c:\im\files\ See also Global paths files, Secure Files (pwd), Unsecure mail Global Paths System Secure Files (pwd) Files received by InterMail from nodes with whom you DO have a session password will be stored here. We recommend: c:\im\secure\ See also Global paths files, Secure mode, Rcvd Files pwd), Unsecure mail Global Paths System Nodelist Not used by InterEcho. InterMail and InterEdit looks here for the nodelist. We recommend: c:\im\nodelist\ See also Global paths files Global Paths System Swapping This directory is used for swapfiles, for example when InterEcho is swapping out to run external programs for file compression. Place this directory on a ramdrive for faster performance. We recommend: c:\im\ See also Global paths files Global Paths System Semaphore InterEcho, InterMail and InterEdit use this directory for mutual semaphore files. It is important that they share the same directory. Place this directory on a ramdrive for faster performance. We recommend: c:\im\sema\ See also Global paths files Global Paths Msg base Hudson message base directory If you plan to use the Hudson message format for local storage of messages, you need to enter the path where it is located. Example: c:\hudson\ See also Msg paths. Global Paths Msg base Wildcat! main directory If you use the Wildcat! BBS, enter the path to the Wildcat! BBS home directory. ' For Wildcat! 3.5-3.91 we recommend: c:\wc30\ and for Wildcat! 4.0 we recommend: c:\wildcat\ See also Msg paths. Global Paths Msg base Synchronet main directory If you use the Synchronet BBS, enter the path to the Synchronet home directory. We recommend: c:\sbbs\ See also Msg paths. Global Message Folders The most frequently used part of IESetup is the manager for your message folders. Here you may add, delete, rename, and edit their settings. This is not a message editor, however. To read and reply to messages, you need a message editor like InterEdit. If you are not familiar with the word "folder", think of it as a conference (Wildcat!), an area (PCBoard), a board (Hudson) or a directory (*.msg). A folder is a place for messages. The messages may be of certain type or of a specific topic. You may have just a few folders or you may have thousands and they may each contain thousands of messages. Your hard drive space, your RAM memory and/or your BBS Software set the limits. The dialog box for Message Folders works in much the same fashion as the dialog box for Links. You will see a list of all your message folders. The leftmost character in the list marks the folder type. N means BBS Netmail, E means Echomail and L means Local messages. Folders without a letter in the leftmost column are of a special folder type. The field at the bottom displays some extra information about the highlighted folder. No help There is currently no help available for this topic. Global Message Folders Template The folder template is used when you create new folders, either by pressing the New button or by importing folder setup from file. All the settings in the template will be copied to the new folder. This makes it very fast and convenient to add many folders. The Folder Template dialog box works in the same fashion as the Message Folder dialog box described in the help for Folder Edit. Global Message Folders Import This feature lets you quickly import folder configurations from other programs and from common echomail area lists such as FIDONET.NA and AREAS.BBS, thus saving you hours of typing. r IESetup creates new folders with information from the folder template and the areas you have selected to import. Before you start to import, take your time and fine tune the settings in the folder template, especially the folder type and the message format. Global Message Folders Edit The Message Folder dialog box (under the Edit button and New button) lets you add and change the settings for a folder. Z The following are some of the settings you can change or view in the Folder Edit dialog: Folder type Message format Aka use Description Area tag Comment Origin line Group Links Seen-by lines Password Options See also Message Folders Global Message Folders The Message Folder dialog box (under the Edit button and New button) lets you add and change the settings for a folder. a When you press New, the default settings for the new folder are taken from the folder template. Global Message Folders Delete Press the delete button to delete the currently highlighted Folder. A pop-up window will give you the option to confirm or cancel before deleting the folder. If you change you mind after deleting a folder, you can press Cancel to exit from the Folder manager and abandon all changes you have made in this session. Edit Press the Edit button to change settings for a folder that you've selected in the list on the left. Global Message Folders Folder type There are different types of folders. The first three types are available when you add and edit folders. The other four types are "hardcoded" and you cannot remove or rename them. Echomail Local BBS Netmail InterMail Netmail Unlisted areas Unsecure messages Dupes See also Edit folder, Message folders Global Links MsgAreas The screen shows a list of all echomail folders, both locally stored areas and Passthru areas. You may connect areas by clicking with the mouse or pressing the space bar. < Press and hold the space bar to easily connect many areas. Press OK to save the message area links. Global Links MsgAreas Configure the message area connections for this node. Echomail Echomail is distributed conferences, message areas shared by many different BBS or mail systems. @ Define one folder of this type for each echomail area you use. See also Folder type Local InterEcho does not scan or toss to a Local folder. Use this folder type with InterEdit to access local folders on your BBS, or to better organize your private messages. See also Folder type BBS Netmail If you run a BBS you may want to let your callers exchange netmail with callers on other BBSs. Make sure your BBS supports netmail, and a method for the caller to enter the destination node address. See also Folder type InterMail Netmail This is the most important folder of them all. You will not be able to move, remove, rename or inactivate this folder. InterEcho will create empty-body messages here, which attach outbound echomail files. InterEcho will also move some incoming netmail to this folder. { If you are not using our front end mailer InterMail, change the path for this folder to where your mailer stores netmail. See also Folder type Unlisted areas InterEcho moves inbound echomail messages with unknown area tags to this folder. This happens if you misspelled an area tag. It will also happen if you receive a new echo from your uplink before you had time to create a new folder. Use InterEdit to view them. You will not be able to remove or rename this folder, but you may set it inactive in the option menu. InterEcho automatically deletes all messages with unknown area tag, if this folder is inactive. See also Folder type Unsecure messages InterEcho moves mail received in the directory for inbound unsecure files \IM\FILES to this folder. It also moves messages with an incorrect or missing packet password to this folder, if a packet password is defined in the Link manager. To avoid this, simply set up a session password and/or a packet password with your link. You cannot remove or rename this folder, but you may set it inactive. InterEcho deletes all unsecure messages if the folder is inactive. We suggest you keep this folder active. H See also Folder type, Accept unsecure mail, Secure mode, Secure files. Dupes You may receive echomail messages that you have already received before. They are duplicate messages, or "dupes". They are created by an incorrectly configured mail tosser somewhere else, or by echomail links going in circles. InterEcho keeps a database of information about all echomail messages you have received and sent. InterEcho compares incoming echomail with information in the dupe database and moves dupes into this folder. View them with InterEdit and delete them. You will not be able to remove or rename this folder, but you may set it inactive in the option menu. InterEcho deletes dupes automatically, if the Dupe folder is inactive. We suggest you keep it active. See also Folder type Global Message Folders Message format InterEcho supports several different file formats for local storage of messages. This makes it possible to use InterEcho with many of the available BBS programs on the market. You may switch from one BBS to another without much more effort than changing a couple of options per message folder. InterEcho also allows you to freely mix different message formats. 8 The following message formats are currently supported: | *.msg Hudson JAM PCBoard 15.0+ Synchronet Wildcat! 3.5-3.91 Wildcat! 4.0 Passthru See also Edit folder, Message folders *.MSG Hundreds of software programs have excellent support the *.msg ("star-dot-emm-ess-gee") message format. It is slow, however, because each message is stored in a separate file. The file name is the number of the message and the extension is always MSG. You must create a separate directory for each folder. Use, for example, the first eight characters in the area tag as a directory name: c:\im\mail\scuba\ Hudson This popular message format is supported by several BBS programs and is a lot faster than *.msg. The only real drawback with the Hudson format is the relatively limited space for messages. Around 15500 messages will fit before you need to purge. Enter the same Board number as your BBS uses, for example : Wildcat! 3.5-3.91 This message format is used by Wildcat! BBS software from version 3.5 up to 3.91. Enter the same conference number as you see in Makewild, for example: PCBoard 15.0+ This message format is used by the PCBoard BBS software version 15.0 and higher. You may place several conferences in the same directory. Enter the same drive, path and filename as you see in PCBSetup. Do not trail with a backslash and do not enter a file name extension: c:\pcb\fido\scuba Or, if you wish to place each conference in a separate directory: c:\pcb\fido\scuba\scuba Hints for echomail in PCBoard: On page 2 of your conference setup in PCBSetup, you must set "Echomail in conference" to Yes. You may also want to set "Force echo on all messages" to Yes, "Disallow private messages" to Yes, "ORIGIN info in messages" to No and "Prompt for ROUTE info" to No. Set "Level to save file attachment" and "Level to request return receipt" high enough to disable their use, since most echomail areas don't allow them. JAM This message format is used by BBS software like RoboBOARD/FX, RemoteAccess and others. Enter the same drive, path and filename as you did in the BBS software. Do not trail with a backslash and do not enter a file name extension. For example: c:\pcb\fido\scuba Wildcat! 4.0 This message format is used by the Wildcat! version 4.0 and higher. Enter the same conference number as you see in Makewild, for example: Passthru If you plan to forward echomail to downlinks, but have no interest in keeping the messages available on your BBS or in InterEdit, you may define the folder as Passthru. This makes InterEcho send the echomail in the same manner as with the other message formats, but not waste any space by saving them locally. If you later change your mind and would like to view the messages, you can just switch the format type and keep links and other settings. You cannot enter a path or board #, simply because none of these messages are stored locally on your hard drive. Synchronet This message format is used by the Synchronet BBS software. Remember to enter the main directory under Global/Paths and Files/Msg Base Paths, before attempting to import Synchronet sub-boards. When entering the location of a sub-board, enter the same drive, path and filename as you did in the BBS setup. Do not trail with a backslash and do not enter a file name extension. For example: c:\sbbs\data\subs\scuba Note: it is usually easier to use the Import function than to manually enter this information. Global Message Folders AKA to use Select the sender address for messages entered in this folder. The address will be added to the end of the origin line in echomail folders. The address will be used as sender address for BBS Netmail folders. Global Message Folders Description Enter the name you would like to see in the folder list. If you cannot come up with anything else, enter the area tag for an echomail folder. See also Message Folders Global Message Folders Areatag Each incoming echomail message contains an area tag. The area tag is the actual conference name used by the network. InterEcho compares the area tag from the inbound echomail message with the list of area tags you have entered. If the area tag is found in one of your folder definitions, InterEcho will toss the message to this folder. The area tag is the only information InterEcho uses to determine where to toss the message. InterEcho will not be able to find the correct folder if you spell the area tag wrong. These messages will then be tossed to the folder for Unlisted areas. See also Message Folders. Global Message Folders Comment The comment field is optional. It is not really needed for the operation of InterEcho, but it is a good place for a short comment about the folder. ' See also Edit folder, Message folders Global Message Folders Origin line An origin line is a type of signature at the bottom of an echomail message, usually giving the system name and location, sometimes with quite a bit of personal flair. InterEcho adds the AKA you selected to the end of the Origin line. Make sure the origin lines are not too long to fit on one line in your message editor, with the address included, otherwise they will be truncated. An origin line is not allowed to be wrapped. ' See also Edit folder, Message folders Global Message Folders Group Each folder must be assigned to an Area Group. There are 26 Area Groups available, and you may define them as you wish. We recommend that you define one group letter per echomail network. The group letter lets you more easily identify which network the area belongs to. In the Link manager you may select the groups to which each link is connected. This provides a method of blocking some areas. No help There is currently no help available for this topic. Global Message Folders Links The screen shows a list of all links for this message area. You may connect links by clicking with the mouse or pressing the space bar. Press and hold the space bar to easily connect many links. Note that you must connect both uplinks and downlinks. ' See also Edit folder, Message folders Global Message Folders Password This option is not used by InterEcho. A folder may be password protected in InterEdit. This means that even if the folder is visible to the local InterEdit user, he/she will have to enter the correct password in order to access it. ' See also Edit folder, Message folders Global Message Folders Seen-By Each exported echomail message has a list of addresses to which you have sent the message. The list will be used by your links to determine to whom they should toss the message. They will not toss messages with your address in the Seen-By list, back to you. Normally you only need to add your main address, but if you participate in several networks, you may want to add more of your AKAs to the list. This menu gives you the chance to pick the addresses you wish to use. ' See also Edit folder, Message folders Global Message Folders Options This dialog box allows you to fine tune the behavior of the folders. Some options are not available with some folder types. They are shown in gray and will not accept input. Some options are not used by InterEcho, but by InterEdit. P Inactive Read-only Restricted Allow local export Use Translation tables Tiny SEEN-BYs Allow Private status Allow ASCII Preserve formatting Hidden Visible Mandatory Default message status Default message priority Add Origin/Tear See also Edit folder, Message folders Inactive This option is useful if you want to discontinue using the folder for a short period of time, but do not want to delete it. InterEcho will not toss to or export from an inactive folder. 7 The InterMail netmail folder cannot be made inactive. Read-only This option is not used by InterEcho. InterEdit will not let you create a new message in a Read-only folder. Restricted This option is not used by InterEcho. If the folder is restricted, messages with the Private status will not be accessible to the InterEdit user unless they are addressed to (or written by) him or her. Messages without the private status can be accessed by anyone, even in a restricted folder. Allow local export This option is not used by InterEcho. InterEdit will only let you copy, move, print or export a message to file from a folder with this option selected. Use Translation tables This option is not used by InterEcho. InterEdit uses character translation tables when reading and writing messages if this option is selected. Useful if you would like to see country specific characters in an echo that does not support them. Tiny SEEN-BYs If this option is selected, InterEcho strips unnecessary addresses from the SEEN-BY list on exported messages, in order to make them smaller. InterEcho will only place your links in the tiny list. Ask your uplink if you should use this option. Allow Private status Some BBS software, like PCBoard, offers the option of Private status even for echomail messages. InterEcho does not export private messages if this option is not selected. Allow high ASCII If not selected, InterEcho strips characters with an ASCII value above 127. Select this option in folders where you allow high ASCII graphics, ANSI or national characters like etc. Preserve formatting InterEcho does not adjust the format of the message body if this option is selected. This is useful for example in ANSI conferences supported by PCBoard and sometimes for gated Internet newsgroups. Hidden Select this option if you never want to list this area in Areafix messages, even if some links may have access to it. Visible Select this option if you always want to list this area in Areafix messages, even if some links may not have access to it. Mandatory This option lets you prevent links from disconnecting this echo. Default message status This option is not used by InterEcho. Sets default status flags for messages you create with InterEdit, in netmail folders only. Default message priority This option is not used by InterEcho. Sets the default priority for messages you create with InterEdit, in netmail folders only. Add Origin/Tear line This option determines which program should create the Origin line and the Tear line. b If you choose InterEcho, any existing Origin line and Tear line will be overwritten upon export. If you choose InterEdit, existing Origin lines and Tear lines will be kept, but if they do not exist, InterEcho will set them anyway. No help There is currently no help available for this topic. Import from Select the list or program you want to import from. AREAS.BBS This file is used by many programs for storage and transfer of area and link information. IESetup imports both the location of the folders, area tags and the node numbers of the links. Make sure that you have entered the links in the Link manager before you import the areas. Passthru areas area marked with a "P" in AREAS.BBS and IESetup will set the message format to the Passthru type, even if your folder template is set to another format. FIDONET.NA This is a list of all echomail areas available on the FidoNet North America backbone. The list is updated every week and can be downloaded from most FidoNet nodes. Some Fido style networks maintain similar lists in the same format. If you type a filename in the import file field, instead of selecting one of the pre- defined types, IESetup will assume that the file uses the same format as FIDONET.NA. PCBoard 15.0+ IESetup lists all the areas you have defined in PCBSetup. IESetup honors the echomail flag in PCBSetup by setting those folders to the echomail type and the others to Local. Netmail folders must be changed manually to Netmail type. $ Wildcat! 3.5-3.91 and Wildcat! 4.0 IESetup lists all the conferences you have defined in Makewild. The conference type (echomail, local) is determined by the settings in your template, except for conferences that are defined as FidoNet netmail in Makewild. Directory Enter the directory path for the file or program you selected. Cancel Cancel lets you abort the import. If you're not satisfied with the results of the import - if the template had the wrong settings, you can always select Cancel instead of saving the modified folder list. 2 You can select Cancel in several different ways: F * Use Tab or Shift-Tab to move to the Cancel button and press Enter. T * Place the mouse cursor on the Cancel button and click twice on the mouse button. * Press Esc. * Press Alt-X. No help There is currently no help available for this topic. No help There is currently no help available for this topic. No help There is currently no help available for this topic. No help There is currently no help available for this topic. No help There is currently no help available for this topic. OK means that you're done editing this conference and that it should be imported. Choose Cancel if you wish to skip individual conferences. " You can choose OK in three ways: B * Use Tab or Shift-Tab to move to the OK button and press Enter. * Press Alt+K. P * Place the mouse cursor on the OK button and click twice on the mouse button. Cancel You can skip individual conferences by pressing Cancel or Esc. Global Links A network link is a connection between a node and a hub. Your links are the nodes and hubs you connect with to send and receive echomail and netmail. The link (hub) you call to get the majority of the mail, is called an Uplink. If you forward echomail to other nodes, you may call them Downlinks. The Link manager lets you define the settings for all your links, both up and downlinks. InterEcho and IESetup will support more than a thousand links. See also Edit link Global Links Edit Select a link in the list and press the Edit button, OR double-click on a link, to change settings. See also Links Global Links Press New to add a new link to your list of connected nodes. See also Links Global Links Delete Press Delete to remove a link from your list of connected nodes. See also Links Global Links Edit link The Link dialog box lets you add and/or change the settings for a link. See also Network Address Sysop Access Groups AKA Netmail status Comment Accept unsecure Areafix MsgPacket Global Links Edit Link Network Address The network address is a node number that may consist of four parts; the zone, the net, the node and the point number, separated with a colon, a forward slash and a period. You should use the point number only when the address is a point node. InterEcho uses the address as the destination of netmail with attached echomail files. If the address is a regular node, you only need to enter the first three parts. Example: 1:249/1 If the link is a point, include the point number: 1:369/102.17 See also Edit link Global Links Edit Link Sysop name InterEcho will place the Sysop name in the header of outbound netmail. Enter the real name of the person, for example: John Doe See also Edit link Global Links Edit Link Access to Groups The Area Group letter provides a means for you to set (and block out) groups of echomail areas for your links. You must select one or more Area Group letters for each link. The Area Group letter must be a capital letter from A to Z. For example: ABC See also Edit link, Folder group, Group names Global Links Edit Link AKA to use on mail Select one of your AKAs (node numbers) to use as sender address for mail to this link. See also Edit link Global Links Edit Link Netmail msg status These settings cover the status of netmail messages to your link. + None No flag at all gives you the chance to fully control the treatment of netmail through the InterMail routing file, for example in a nightly event. + Hold Use the Hold flag when you want to be sure no mail gets sent on your dime. Note that the routing command Unhold in InterMail doesn't override hold status on a message. + Crash l Use the Crash flag when you want InterMail to send the mail at once, for example on toll free local calls. + Direct The Direct flag in netmail overrides your routing rules in InterMail, which is proper for echomail. Avoid routing of echomail. We suggest you select the direct flag for all your links. + Hold Direct F Combines the Hold flag and the Direct flag features as listed above. + Crash Direct G Combines the Crash flag and the Direct flag features as listed above. See also Edit link Global Links Edit Link Comment Here you may enter extra information about the link, for example phone number and street address. Does not affect the operation. See also Edit link Global Links Edit Link Accept unsecure mail This option allows you to accept unsecure packages from a specific link. The advantage is that you can run in Secure mode even though you are unable to convince one of your feeds of the need for echomail security. When selected, InterEcho will process mail from this link, even if the expected packet password is incorrect/missing or if the mail was found in the directory for inbound unsecure files (usually \im\files), that is if your mailer has no session password defined for this link. n When not selected (default), InterEcho will toss unsafe mail from this link to the folder for unsecure mail. R This option can not be set if you have chosen to run InterEcho in Unsecure Mode. See also Edit link Global Links Edit Link Areafix If you are feeding mail to others, you may wish to let them change their settings from remote, without your intervention. The Areafix area manager lets them do this. This feature is disabled if you leave the Areafix password field blank. k The Areafix button calls up a menu where you can selectively enable and disable various Areafix commands. ) See also Edit link Areafix synonyms %NOTIFY %PAUSE %RESUME %RESCAN %HELP %AREAFIXPSW %LIST %QUERY %UNLINKED %STATUS %NOTE Forward Areafix Global Links Areafix %NOTIFY The %NOTIFY command allows the link to turn off automatic notification messages. Usage: %NOTIFY ON %NOTIFY OFF You may disable or enable each and every Areafix command for this link. A selected checkbox lets the link use the command. An empty checkbox will block the link from using the command. See also %STATUS, Areafix Global Links Areafix %PAUSE The %PAUSE command allows the link to temporarily suspend all echomail conferences. Usage: %PAUSE You may disable or enable each and every Areafix command for this link. A selected checkbox lets the link use the command. An empty checkbox will block the link from using the command. See also Paused, %RESUME, Areafix Global Links Areafix %RESUME The %RESUME command allows the link to restore the feed after it has been paused. Usage: %RESUME You may disable or enable each and every Areafix command for this link. A selected checkbox lets the link use the command. An empty checkbox will block the link from using the command. See also %PAUSE, Areafix. Global Links Areafix %RESCAN The %RESCAN command allows the link to rescan locally carried conferences. Usage: %RESCAN [areatag] You may disable or enable each and every Areafix command for this link. A selected checkbox lets the link use the command. An empty checkbox will block the link from using the command. See also Areafix. Global Links Areafix %HELP The %HELP command allows the link to request a message with Areafix help. The text of the help message is taken from an ASCII file called AREAFIX.HLP in the Config file directory. Usage: %HELP You may disable or enable each and every Areafix command for this link. A selected checkbox lets the link use the command. An empty checkbox will block the link from using the command. See also Areafix. Global Links Areafix %AREAFIXPSW The %AREAFIXPSW command allows the link to change Areafix password. Usage: %AREAFIXPSW [new password] You may disable or enable each and every Areafix command for this link. A selected checkbox lets the link use the command. An empty checkbox will block the link from using the command. See also Areafix. Global Links Areafix %LIST The %LIST command allows the link to request a list of all available echomail conferences, including those that are available via Areafix forwarding. Usage: %LIST You may disable or enable each and every Areafix command for this link. A selected checkbox lets the link use the command. An empty checkbox will block the link from using the command. See also Areafix. Global Links Areafix %QUERY The %QUERY command allows the link to request a list of all the echomail conferences to which it is connected. Usage: %QUERY You may disable or enable each and every Areafix command for this link. A selected checkbox lets the link use the command. An empty checkbox will block the link from using the command. See also Areafix. Global Links Areafix %UNLINKED The %UNLINKED command allows the link to request a list of all the echomail conferences to which it is not already connected, including those that are available via Areafix forwarding. Usage: %UNLINKED You may disable or enable each and every Areafix command for this link. A selected checkbox lets the link use the command. An empty checkbox will block the link from using the command. See also Areafix. Global Links Areafix %STATUS The %STATUS command allows the link to request a Status (notification) message. Usage: %STATUS You may disable or enable each and every Areafix command for this link. A selected checkbox lets the link use the command. An empty checkbox will block the link from using the command. See also Areafix. Global Links Areafix %NOTE The %NOTE command allows the link to leave a note to SysOp in Areafix messages. Usage: ( %NOTE [One or more paragraphs of text] You may disable or enable each and every Areafix command for this link. A selected checkbox lets the link use the command. An empty checkbox will block the link from using the command. See also Areafix. Global Links Areafix Forward Areafix Whether you accept forwarding of requests for locally unavailable areas for this node. See also Echo lists, Areafix Global Links Areafix Options Notify Notify on/off. @ If status messages should be sent when using INTRECHO /NOTIFY. $ See also %NOTIFY, %STATUS, Areafix Global Links Areafix Options Pause If the feed has been temporarily suspended (=paused). If selected, InterEcho will not prepare mail for this link. Useful for vacations. The link may temporarily turn off the mail flow, without disconnecting from areas. v This setting may be changed from remote by the link, if you have enabled the use of the %PAUSE and %RESUME commands. See also Areafix Global Links Areafix Password Enter a password to enable Areafix. If you leave this field blank, InterEcho will not honor Areafix requests from this link. Y The link needs to place this password on the subject (Re:) line in messages to Areafix. See also %AREAFIXPSW, Areafix Global Links MsgPacket When feeding mail to others, it's useful to be able to adjust how you pack your outbound mail. Your links may prefer a specific compression program, they may not be able to process certain filenames or they may want to limit the size of the archives. # See also Edit link %COMPRESS c %ARCNAME %ARCAGE %ARCSIZE %PKTSIZEKB %PKTSIZEMSG %PKTPSW Global Links MsgPacket %COMPRESS The %COMPRESS Areafix command controls the mail archive compression method for this link. Usage: * %COMPRESS PKT (=none), ARC, ARJ, LZH, PAK, RAR, ZIP1, ZIP and ZOO. See also Compression, MsgPacket Global Links MsgPacket %ARCNAME The %ARCNAME Areafix command controls the max number of archives per day for this link. Usage %ARCNAME MO1 - always the same SU1 - 1 per day SU9 - 10 per day SUF - 16 per day SUZ - 36 per day SZZ - 1296 per day See also Archive name, MsgPacket Global Links MsgPacket %ARCAGE The %ARCAGE Areafix command controls the max age of old archives for this link. % See also Del archive, MsgPacket Global Links MsgPacket %ARCSIZE The %ARCSIZE Areafix command controls the max size of an archive for this link. " See also Archive size, MsgPacket Global Links MsgPacket %PKTSIZEKB The %PKTSIZEKB Areafix command controls the max size of PKT files for this link. " See also Max size, MsgPacket Global Links MsgPacket %PKTSIZEMSG The %PKTSIZEMSG Areafix command controls the max number of messages in a PKT file for this link. & See also Messages PKT, MsgPacket Global Links MsgPacket %PKTPSW The %PKTPSW Areafix command allows the link to change packet password. Usage: %PKTPSW [new password] See also MsgPacket Global Links MsgPacket Compression All common archive formats are supported. Some are built-in and do not require additional compression programs. Others do and we assume they are placed in a PATH listed directory. The internal PKZIP 1.10 compatible method is faster than the others, and is recommended. InterEcho will automatically select the proper decompression method for inbound mail. It appends new *.PKT files to existing archives. ARC (internal) ARJ LZH PAK (internal) PKT (no compression) RAR ZIP1 (1.10 internal) ZIP (2.0+ external) ZOO See also %COMPRESS, MsgPacket Global Links MsgPacket Archive name There are six options to name the outbound archives. You don't have to worry about the names of inbound archives, because InterEcho will look for them all, no matter what you have defined for the outbound names. + MO1 - always the same No matter what day of the week or the size of the file, InterEcho will keep adding new PKT files to this single archive. Useful for links with low volume or links that transfers the mail less than once a week. + SU1 - 1 per day InterEcho will create one archive file per day, and keep adding PKT files no matter the size of the archive. The file name extensions will be MO1, TU1, WE1, TH1, FR1, SA1 and SU1. + SU9 - 10 per day InterEcho will create up to ten archive files per day. For example, the file name extension for a Monday will be MO1, MO2, MO3, MO4, MO5, MO6, MO7, MO8, MO9 and MO0. Note that we use one through nine and end with a zero. The size of the first nine is determined by the Archive max size. The last archive has no max limit. It will grow as much as needed. This naming convention is the most common one and should work with most other mail tossers. + SUF - 16 per day Works just like the "10 per day" option, but in addition, the last character for a Monday can be MOA, MOB, MOC, MOD, MOE and MOF. This naming convention is also common. + SUZ - 36 per day Works just like the "16 per day" option, but in addition, we use the rest of the alphabet for the file name extension, for example MOG, MOH and MOZ. This naming model is useful for links with high volume mail flow, but may not be supported by other mail tossers. + SZZ - 1296 per day Works just like the "36 per day" option, but in addition we use the middle character of the file name extension, for example M11 and TAQ. This gives a whopping 36*36=1296 combinations per day, but may not be supported by other mail tossers. Use with caution! See also %ARCNAME, MsgPacket Global Links MsgPacket Del old archive NOT USED BY VERSION 1.12 - WILL BE ADDED LATER. g Set number of days you like to keep mail archives. Older archives will be deleted. If set to zero (default), no archives will be deleted. This feature is useful if you want to keep some control over the volume of untransmitted mail, for example if the link suddenly stops polling for mail and the mail starts to pile up on your hard drive. Use with caution! See also %ARCAGE, MsgPacket Global Links MsgPacket Archive size You may set the max size for the compressed archives, but it's only approximate, since InterEcho estimates the compressed size before the compression is done. , See also %ARCSIZE, Max size, MsgPacket Global Links MsgPacket Max PKT size You may set the max size of outbound PKT files in kilobytes. The *.pkt files contain the packed messages and are (usually) compressed into mail archives. 2 See also %PKTSIZEKB, Messages PKT, MsgPacket Global Links MsgPacket Messages per PKT You may set the max size of outbound PKT files in number of messages. The *.pkt files contain the packed messages and are (usually) compressed into mail archives. / See also %PKTSIZEMSG, Max size, MsgPacket Global Links MsgPacket Packet password Enter a password for higher security against bogus echomail. The password will be written to all outbound echomail packets to this link, and the password will be expected in all inbound echomail packets from this link. It is necessary that the link enter the same packet password in his/her mail tosser setup. Note that the packet password has nothing to do with the areafix password or the session password. If you receive a mail packet without packet password, from a link for which you have defined a packet password, InterEcho will toss the content to the folder for Unsecure messages. If you leave this field blank, no packet password will be used for this link. By default no packet passwords are used and will not be used until you manually enter them. g Note: You may override the demand for correct packet password by selecting NOT to run in Secure mode. 3 See also %PKTPSW, MsgPacket, Accept unsecure mail Applications InterEcho Echo lists The Echo list manager lets you define lists of echomail areas. This information is needed for the Areafix Forward feature. ' When a downlink requests a new area via Areafix, and that particular area is not listed in the ordinary Message Folder manager, InterEcho may turn around and request this area from your uplink, and at the same time create the area in the Message Folder manager and connect the requesting link. The autoadded area will be of the Passthru type (not available on your BBS) and will get Group letter 'A'. InterEcho will search the Echolists (for area tags) in alphabetical order by filename. Applications/InterEcho. Applications InterEcho Echo lists Edit Select Edit or double-click on the name of a list to change settings. 9 The Echolist edit dialog lets you change the following: | Echolist file Echolist Comments Link Groups Program Password See also Echo lists Applications InterEcho Echo lists Press New to add a new echo list. 9 The new echo list is added in the Echolist edit dialog. Applications InterEcho Echo lists Delete Press Delete to remove a highlighted list. A pop-up window will give you the option to confirm or cancel before deleting the list. If you change you mind after deleting a list, you can press Cancel to exit from the Echo list manager and abandon all changes you have made in this session. Applications InterEcho Echolists File Enter the name of the list file, for example FIDONET.NA. Edit Applications InterEcho Echolists Path Enter the path where the Echolist file is located, for example: E:\BBS\FIDO\ Edit Applications InterEcho Echolists Comment Memo field for your personal comments. Y Here you may enter extra information about the echolist. Does not affect the operation. Edit Applications InterEcho Echolists Link Select the uplink from one of your links. This is the link from whom you get the major part of your mail. Edit Applications InterEcho Echolists Groups Select one or more Groups. Only links with minimum one matching Group letter, will be able to connect a new area via Areafix Forward. If you want to block some links out from auto-adding new areas, simply make sure they don't have any of the Group letters that you enter here. Edit Applications InterEcho Echolists Program Enter the name of the Areafix program that your uplink uses, for example: areafix Edit Applications InterEcho Echolists Password Enter the Areafix password that your uplink has assigned to you. In other words, the password that should be used on requests to your uplink. Edit Applications InterEcho Areafix synonyms Other names for Areafix that your links can use. Here you may enter up to 16 different names for Areafix. These synonym names may be used by your links when sending area manager requests. The list gives them an opportunity to continue to use whatever name they have grown used to, for example RAID. Applications/InterEcho. Username The name of this user on your system. The name can also be an alias that you wish to use in specific conferences. F Type in the name exactly as you wish it to appear on correspondence. See also Local Users Password This user's password. Cancel to keep the old password. b The password is used to control access to the InterEdit message editor and to the Setup program. See also Local Users Password This user's password. Press Enter to change it. b The password is used to control access to the InterEdit message editor and to the Setup program. See also Local Users Supervisor Access level: Supervisor level gives unrestricted access. f A Supervisor can change any setting and read any conference, regardless of password protection, etc. + See also Administrator, User, Local Users Administrator An Administrator can change any setting except another user's password. ( See also Supervisor, User, Local Users User A User does not have access to change anything in Setup except his or her own password, and is unable to access any restricted message areas in the editor. 1 See also Supervisor, Administrator, Local Users No help There is currently no help available for this topic. No help There is currently no help available for this topic. No help There is currently no help available for this topic. No help There is currently no help available for this topic. No help There is currently no help available for this topic. Preferences Display Mode detected on Startup Use the display mode detected when the program starts. This option is useful when you use an OEM utility to put the display in your preferred screen mode. It may not work with all video cards, however. Preferences Display 43/50 line Mode Makes the application always use 43/50 line mode. Preferences Display 25 line Mode Makes the application always use 25 line mode. Preferences Memory & Swapping Memory usage and swapping options. A Swap shelling Swap Use overlays Preferences Memory & Swapping Swap when shelling The application can swap to EMS or disk when shelling out to DOS or to run another program, for example a compression program. This way much more memory will become available for the other program. In Protected Mode, swapping is always irrelevant, since the application already resides in high memory, leaving most of the lower 640 Kb available for the shell. This setting is irrelevant for a PM program. Memory Swapping Preferences Memory & Swapping Swap to EMS You can set the application to swap to EMS instead of to the hard drive. Unless you need the EMS memory for other purposes, this is usually much faster than swapping to disk. In Protected Mode there is no need to swap, since the application already resides in high memory. This setting is irrelevant for a PM program. Memory Swapping Preferences Memory & Swapping EMS for overlays It will often make the application run faster if it can use EMS for overlays. On the other hand, a large disk cache can sometimes handle the overlays just as well. Overlays are handled outside of conventional memory when using a Protected Mode program. This setting is irrelevant for a PM program. Memory Swapping Applications InterEcho Options Netmail for local Enable to import netmail addressed to local InterMail users. Applications/InterEcho/Options Applications InterEcho Options Listed only Restricts netmail import to users listed in IENETBBS.LST'. Applications/InterEcho/Options Applications InterEcho Options Areas.Bbs Use AREAS.BBS instead of internal database G Select this option in case you insist on using an external Areafix utility. It will force IESetup and InterEcho to use AREAS.BBS and to not use the IEAREAS.CFG, just like InterEcho 1.02. In addition if you set this option, InterEcho will ignore any received Areafix requests, even if you use the /AREAFIX command line option. Applications/InterEcho/Options Applications InterEcho Options Secure mode IMPORTANT! Make sure that you have enabled SECURE mode, unless you have very strong reasons for not doing so. It should look like this: 2 [X] Run in SECURE mode, enforce passwords, etc. If you don't have that little X in the checkbox, you leave yourself WIDE OPEN to ATTACK by anybody who wishes to sabotage an echomail conference with obscene or annoying messages! If you only have a problem with a single node that refuses to set up session-level passwords, there is an option that on a node-by-node basis lets you accept unsecure mail, while running an otherwise secure system. ( See also Packet password, Secure files Applications/InterEcho/Options Applications InterEcho Options Dupe data Enter the number of days you want to keep information about messages for dupe checking. The more days you enter, the bigger the dupe database and the better dupe checking. 5 Old dupe records are purged from the dupe database. Applications/InterEcho/Options Applications InterEcho You have the option to save all the information written to the screen when InterEcho runs, to a log file for your perusal. This log file may be very useful if you run into problems. Use this file, or excerpts from it, whenever you contact us or others for technical support. Applications/InterEcho. Applications InterEcho Log pathname You may define the name and path for the file in several different ways. If you want your log files named in the IEYYMMDD.LOG format, select Automatic daily renaming, enter the path, trail with a backslash, but skip the file name. This is the method we recommend. Example: c:\im\ If you want a single log file named IE.LOG (and keep the same file name every day), do not select Automatic daily renaming, enter the path, trail with a backslash, but skip the file name. Example: c:\im\ If you want to define your own path and filename (and keep the same file name every day), just type the path and filename you prefer, but do not select Automatic daily renaming. Example: c:\log\tosser.log If you select Automatic daily renaming and then type your own path plus filename, the name you entered will be used the first day, but the second and following days, your log files will be named in the IEYYMMDD.LOG format, in the directory you specified. g If you do not want a log file, leave the path field empty and do not select Automatic daily renaming. Applications InterEcho Renaming You have the option to automatically start a new log file with a new name every day after midnight. The file name will be of the style IEYYMMDD.LOG, where YY = year, MM = month and DD = day. For example the log file for August 17, 1994, will be named IE940817.LOG. This is useful when you want to keep the current log file small. This file name convention also makes it much easier to find the log file for a particular day. Applications InterEcho Message types Select what type of messages you want InterEcho to save to the log file. We recommend that you select the last option DEBUG: All of the above. It will make your log file larger, but the extra debug information is very useful if you run into problems. Applications InterEcho Message types Select what type of messages you want InterEcho to save to the log file. We recommend that you select the last option DEBUG: All of the above. It will make your log file larger, but the extra debug information is very useful if you run into problems. Applications InterEcho Paths InterEcho's work directories. These directories must be reserved for InterEcho's exclusive use and must never be shared with any other programs. > Outbound echomail Work unsecure Work secure Applications/InterEcho. Applications InterEcho Paths Outbound echomail InterEcho saves the outbound echomail files here. w It's important that you do not combine this directory with the directory InterMail uses for outbound netmail packets. We recommend: c:\im\outecho\ InterEcho paths Applications InterEcho Paths Work dir unsecure Used for unsecure temporary files. A It is very important that no other program uses this directory. We recommend: c:\im\echowork\ InterEcho paths Applications InterEcho Paths Work dir secure Used for secure temporary files. A It is very important that no other program uses this directory. We recommend: c:\im\worksafe\ InterEcho paths Applications InterEcho Area Group names The Area Group letters provides a means for you to set (and block out) groups of echomail areas for your links. You must select one Area Group letter for each message folder and you must select one or more Area Groups for each link. In this dialog you may add some extra information about the group. You may, for example, enter networks names. It will make it easier to identify the group. Area Group names are optional and will not affect the operation of InterEcho. Applications/InterEcho. No help There is currently no help available for this topic. No help There is currently no help available for this topic. No help There is currently no help available for this topic. No help There is currently no help available for this topic. No help There is currently no help available for this topic. No help There is currently no help available for this topic. No help There is currently no help available for this topic. No help There is currently no help available for this topic. No help There is currently no help available for this topic. No help There is currently no help available for this topic. Serial number Type in your serial number here. You can take out the original diskette and read it from the label. [ Replace the disk when you're done, otherwise DOS may complain when you exit from Install.